
past financials

Habitat for Humanity Lakeside

Audited Financial Statements

An audit is completed each year following the close of our fiscal year (June 30). Typically our audit takes place each September and by early November we have our audited financial statements back and ready to share.  Below you will find our audited financial statements from the three previous fiscal years. Our most recent audit from FY20-21 can be found below.

Habitat for Humanity Lakeside 990

Below you will find a copy of our 990 from previous years. 


Do you have questions about the information in our audited financial statements or tax return? Please contact Niki Zohrab, Executive Director, at or 920-458-3399 ext. 302 or Sue Michels, Finance & Office Manager, at or 920-458-3399 ext. 304. 

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